The Vineyard Table Catering

Venue Address

Free parking is located at location

Dress Code
  • Professional style black pants, in a woven or twill fabric, such as Docker or Dickies brand. NO Denim/Jeans/gym clothes/shiny fabrics/tripes or logos are permitted. No shorts are permitted.
  • Black shirt
  • Black slip-resistant shoes.
  • Achieving Dreams hat.  If you don’t have an Achieving Dreams hat, there should be some at the venue, but bring your own hat just in case we are out.
Bag Policy

Please do not bring personal items to the venue. 

Kitchen Entrance
Please knock on the entry door right at the start time of your shift.  If your shift starts at 6 PM, please wait until 6 PM have all volunteers enter together.  Early and multiple arrivals are disruptive to the staff preparing for your shift. 
Check In

There will be a white 3-ring notebook onsite with AD sign-in sheets in it. Each volunteer is responsible for making sure they sign in and out (1 sheet per shift/day). The sign-in sheet can remain in the notebook when you leave.

5) Volunteers are required to wear the basic volunteering uniform: black non-slip shoes, black pants, black or white shirt, AD hat, hair pulled up.


Since it is a short shift, no formal breaks or a meal are provided.  


There is no Achieving Dreams manager running the kitchen.  Volunteers are expected to follow the direction of The Vineyard Table Catering staff.  

Clean Up And Dismissal

The Vineyard Table Catering staff will direct cleanup and closing procedures.  When done, please sign out on the Achieving Dreams sign in sheet. 

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